Wednesday, September 04, 2024

My Father - An Obituary

Born - 1st February 1934
Died - 3rd September 2024

My father was an ordinary man. He lived an extraordinary life. A selfless life of devotion to his family and care for others.

He never craved anything for himself. Never did he spend any money on luxury. He spent his meagre salary mainly on our education and in helping the extended family members. Countless people came to our town for studying, for treatment, for various other works were welcome in our home. So much so that our house used to resemble a guest house. We were happy to have so many friends and family members around. We didn't realise what a huge burden it was on his finances. But I never, ever heard him complain. Poor man he was, but he had a generous heart, bigger than the richest man. Not just that, he even treated them to rare luxuries like going to movies and picnics.

When we were at a lower standard, dad used to spend all his spare time tutoring us, not just our brothers but also our cousin brothers. He had an unwavering devotion to education and a refined taste of culture.

He was a simple man, innocent of the intrigues and treacheries of life. Even his close family members cheated him. But he never held a grudge against anyone.

Everyone loved him because of humility, simplicity and selfless behaviour. Even his daughter-in-laws adored him like their real father and always cared for him. For the last five years, my father was confined to his bed. But because of his popularity, his bed was always surrounded by loved ones, not just family members but also neighbours.

My father was full of life, but he was not afraid to die. When the end finally came, he embraced death and entered into प्रायोपवेशनम्. He refused all treatment. Only when he lost his consciousness could we take him to the hospital. That is one regret I have. Instead of allowing him to die in peace in his home, we dragged him to a far off hospital. All for our foolish sentimentality. Sorry dad. But I am sure he forgave us.

What legacy did he leave us? That of a simple life of moderation, devotion to his family and care for others.

My dad was an ordinary man. But I wish there were many such ordinary men around us. Our world would then be an extraordinary place.

Thank you dad. I will remember you, every day of my life.

This is a link for a few songs my father loved to listen.

Link for a few photos.


Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences Subhendu. I never met him but heard so much about him from you that I started to feel I knew him. Sad at his passing away.

Anonymous said...

Om shanti 💐💐💐huge respect sir 🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous said...

Om shanthi💐

Anonymous said...

Deep condolences and I am sure you will be worthy of that priceless inheritance. -GK.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Deepest condolences Subhendu. You are blessed to have such a wonderful Dad.

Anonymous said...

Your father was never a ordinary man , he is extra ordinary due yo his different sacrifices you mentioned also he is extraordinary as he made a son like you.

Malay Chakraborty said...

Respect and pronaam

Anonymous said...

You fought a lot dadu, it's time to take some rest. I pray that your soul may rest in eternal tranquility.

Anonymous said...

My regards to Meshomoshai 🙏🙏🙏