Thursday, October 26, 2023

Oppression is my enemy

I have this book for some time. When I turn these pages, my eyes fill with tears, thinking about the suffering of a helpless nation under the most brutal oppressor.

These days, after seeing the absolute brutality of the Netanyahu government against the helpless Palestinians, I once had an impulse to burn this book and post the video on the Internet. Then good senses prevailed. I realized that I am not against Israel.


  • I am against the Nazis when they oppressed the Jews.
  • I am against the British when they oppressed us, Indians.
  • I am against Americans when they oppressed the Vietnamese.
  • I am against the white South Africans when they oppressed the Black Africans.
  • I am against Pakistani Muslims when they oppress their Hindu minority.
  • I am against the Bramhins when they oppress the Dalits.
  • I am against Israel when they oppress the Palestinians.
I know that the Government of Israel does not worry at the moment because the big brother America has their back.

But all oppressors think that way, and eventually, all crumble.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israel’s war in Palestine

Israel says its objective is to finish Hamas. But even if that is possible, it will not end the conflict. Hamas has been here only for the last 18 years. The conflict is 75 years old. Israel killed 27 Palestinians in the West Bank last month. There is no Hamas there.

The only way to achieve peace is to stop the genocide, start a time-bound peace talk and implement a two-state solution in 2023.

But that will never happen. Because this war is not about conflict and peace. This is about land and oil. Israel wants to occupy the whole of Palestine. Most prominent Israeli politicians publicly hold this opinion that the entire land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is Israel's God-given land and belongs to the Jews only. What they do not specify is what to do with the Palestinians, whether to exterminate or expel them. I guess it would be an 80-20 solution. They will kill 20% the rest 80% will flee. After that, they may also occupy some neighbouring lands like parts of Egypt and Syria and create an extended Jewish homeland. This is exactly the same vision that Hitler had to create a Lebensraum for the German Volk in Eastern Europe.

And they can do this because America also wants the same. America wants an aggressive, disproportionately powerful Israel to dominate the Middle East. So no Arab nation dares to challenge American interests in the Middle East. This guarantees a smooth supply of oil to America and its Western allies.

Sorry Palestine. No one is coming to rescue your children. Most of them are going to die.

Please read this.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Israel is a Colony

Imagine an alien lands at Raffa in Gaza this morning. What will he see? He will see an enormous army, equipped with the latest weapons, guns, tanks, planes, warships have blockaded a tiny strip of land about 35X10 km, densely populated by poor, deprived people with no army of their own, no food, no shelter. They are constantly being bombarded from the sky and from sea and land, their houses, schools, hospitals are being targeted indiscriminately, people are dying like flies, elderly people, women and children. And the whole world is cheering the powerful army to go ahead and finish the people of that land.
By reading this much everybody will start screaming, “No, no it didn’t start there. Hamas attacked Israel. They brutally killed innocent civilians, women and children, even babies. Israel has right to self-defence.”
But then why should the clock start on last Saturday? Two weeks before that Israel killed 11 Palestinians. Is it not true that the whole thing started because Israel imposed themselves on someone else’s land?
If collective punishment of 2.3 million people is allowed in the name of self-defence, if indiscriminate bombing of civilians, women and children is allowed because they were attacked first, then sure there will be some justification for what the Nazis did to others.
Believe me, this will not end here. Obviously, people of Israel do not want peace. They want more land. Every month Israel takes away thousands of acres of land from Palestine and builds new settlements. If I take a million dollar an acre, that’s like stealing a billion dollar from Palestine every month.
That’s what they are after, this loot of land. That’s why they keep electing leaders like Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu. But then at least spare us the outrage. You WILL get bitten once in a while.

Get ready for the next attack, people of Israel.