Saturday, March 26, 2022

We support President Putin of Russia

I am writing this message from India. I just wanted to let you know that we stand by you in your fight against the imperial powers of the west, particularly the USA and England.

For the last 400 years they have rained in death, destruction and devastation to satisfy their insatiable greed for other people’s land and wealth, including our own India. There is probably not a single part of the world that escaped their destructive wars and systematic loot. Even today their army continues to kill, torture and displace people all over the world to grab and loot their wealth. Only you stand on their path of complete world domination and subjugation of the rest of the world. Under your able leadership Russia is moving from strength to strength, so that now the colonizers are terrified of you. Please give them such a bloody nose that they never dare to muddle around in other countries anymore.

Please note that the whole of India stands by you. Not just India, but the rest of the world, oppressed by the west stand with Russia, in Asia, Africa, Latin America.

Only problem is that the west has complete domination of the propaganda machine due to their control of the English language, the Internet and other PR mediums. Please make sure that they don’t win this part of the war. For example, the RT TV channel is taken out from Indian networks. Bring that back and make sure people hear the other side of the story.

Hope you stay in good health and spirit and bring this conflict to a successful conclusion.


1 comment:

Unknown said...
